I’m a content creator. I’m not just an Illustrator.
If you do the knowledge to the real in these reels…you may conclude that I am somewhat like a 1 man Adult Swim (if you thought I was gonna say 1 man army Ason…I fux w/ you heavy). Keyword being ADULT. Part of being an ADULT is taking care of the babies and regulating the environment(s) they are growing within. Not an easy task…when your power is suppressed systemically…internally and externally. Meaning…it is hard to stand tall when you are taught to make yourself small. When your fight for what is right is viewed as terrorism but submitting to a lesser position allocated by the system makes you one of the good ones…you may question your place in it at all. Don’t. Our place is in these children’s lives. Granted, we CAN NOT keep offering them an education in acquiescing, we must fortify them w/ an unbroken understanding of who they are, why some ppl are overly invested in us forgetting/forfeiting our identities, and why it is paramount that we never let that happen…again.
Who are we if we exploit each other the way we have been exploited by others and what will our children learn from those references?
What is intelligence if it is only used to sidestep humanity and rationalize iniquity as wise business practices?
Some ppl see the bigger picture, that someone else drew…but was underpaid for. Everybody else is there for the photo op that they can share w/ the hashtag #WeCare…raising champagne flutes in the air…
God will be God though. The Creator. The concept is expressed through talent.
Make no mistake…greed isn’t a talent. It is a vice.
Aim In (Amen)
#ITurnCollectionPlatesToMedallions #Different
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